Keep using Mana Tea whenever off cooldown to ensure sufficient mana. Sometime when you find yourself unable to top yourself back to 100%, use paralyse or in last resort, Leg Sweep to stop her from casting soul bolt. The boss soul bolt hit me for about 35k, each hit took me down to roughly 1.7k hp, so it was (and has to be) a flawless execution. When the boss reach about 200k hp, Fortifying Brew (515% increase hp with the purple anima power - it's max 100 stacks) and Touch of death to finish him off. Tiger palm (got 5 stacks of the extra hit thingy)īlackout Kick after 3 Tiger Palm (5 stacks of the damage as well as buff to RSK damage) Soothing Mist + Vivify (had 5 stacks of the anima power which deal 250% damage over 3 sec to whoever in the void zone it left - at her gear she was doing about 9k damage each vivify)

I did this by sweeping his Deaden Magic (DEADLY - note: only use leg sweep for deaden magic or you might find him immune to it after 3 sweep within 20 sec or so), keep using my celestial, which has all 4 celestial on 1.5min duration, She did got anima power that prevent her from jump and walking backward though -.- (took me 5 death to get the hang of moving around on her char besides totally different keybind) She had bad luck with defensive anima power but had got all the touch of death, and leg sweep anima power. 评论来自 Cimegs5088Kill this guy having close to 4mil hp (i think) on 18th floor layer 4 TC when helping my wife to solo it as 36k hp Mistweaver. It might work for all ranged classes, as long as u can slow him to 5 % movement speed,kite and deal dmg !ĭid it on layer 8 room 6, on The Soulforges ! my dmg was high but boss hp bar was low, so it is much easier to kill, but he can 2 shot u, if he gonna reach u ! Keep him max slowed,stay out of his ranged spells and shoot from far distance! P.s. I didn't picked a single hp buff, i had 29 k hp and boss had only 445 k,i killed him in under 1 min. After that, stay as far as u can and land 焦油陷阱 in time, boss has a range to cast spells,if u stay out of his casting range, he wont be able to cast most of his spells !ĭismiss your pet ! Because boss will focus him and will use his abilities all around and he will buff himself up ! Also pet is not needed, since boss can't reach you.Īnother tip, the more hp buffs u have, the higher boss hp bar will go. Take 爆裂焦油 and get 3 more 粘稠焦油,that slows enemies down and u will net with 95% movement slow on 焦油陷阱. When the boss can kill you faster than you can use your abilities, there is something wrong there This is just poor design, not a challenge. I’ve run lvl8 floors before and while it was tough, I could do it and I didn’t have much issue with the bosses there, so I don’t understand the sudden impossible boss on this one. There is no reason to have a lvl8-like boss on a lvl1 run. I have a total of 90 anima powers, wtf?īlizz needs to stop being lazy and actually act like they care about the people playing this game and balance this crap. I have the little health bubbles that spawn when I attack an elite, I have the rare buff to give me 20% damage increase when I sit in the pool (though, does me a lot of good with the crap he spams on the ground). Some weeb tells me “interrupt his Curse of Frailty”… which is nice until he immediately uses it again after I stop it because MY INTERRUPT CD IS 1 MINUTE LONG. I heal my pet, but he hits so hard that I may as well not even bother. Seriously, I have the damage reduction buff for misdirect, myself and pet are OVER 100k health, I have tons of damage multiplier buffs (like the one for intimidate), used Survival of the fittest with spirit beast. I’ve gotten through all 18 levels to the last boss, what do I find when I get there? He nukes my pet in three hits, then kills me in two hits WHILE I’M REZZING MY PET. 评论来自 JeoleneThis boss right here is the perfect example of what is wrong with Torghast. It's more important to quickly burn him down while your timewarp & mirror images are up & he starts whaling on your clothie buttocks. There will be pools on the floor, only move just enough outside of them so you aren't hit, no need to move very far. I was barely touched (my images took the brunt of his attacks) and I had 10k mana left at the end. I only needed to hit him once with my interrupt (counterspell) before he was dead.

Mirror Image (make sure you have picked up enough buffs along the way to get extra images, I had 5)

Touch of the Magi (as soon as you do this he will start moving & casting) Tip: target him & watch your polymorph button, as soon as you go from a red dot to a white dot, you're close enough to hit with any of your other spells. At first only get as close as you need to be able to target him. 评论来自 KirafyreI burned this guy down in less than a minute as an Arcane Mage with ilvl 149.